Monday, October 29, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 29

Today's can't do it...NOT!!!

blog photos to come when blogger allows it...

If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.’ —Spencer Silver (inventor of Post-it adhesive)
When you think you can't...your right...there are only cans in my life from this day forward...I can accomplish what I want...I can do whatever is necessary to get what I want...I can be the person I desire to be...I can...

The can't are behind me...the cans lie before me...shining brightly...just waiting for me to pick them up...and run...

As we wind this process down...I am melancholy...I will miss this daily interaction...yet I vow to go creativity...

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...

1 comment:

Annie Z said...

I like this! I can I can I can I can!
Blessings to you,