Saturday, October 27, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 27

Today's Intention...promote myself...

a new logo for Rebecca E. Parsons Studios, Inc...

Self-promotion is the name of the game for any small artist is a small promoting my self is a way of life for me...I can promote my decorative painting business/workshops/speeches ad nauseum...but my fine art, not so much...I am stepping way out today as I give a demo of my art for a local gathering...I spent the morning preparing a new logo and a new flyer...I am pleased with them...tell me what you think...please click for closer look and to read text...

a new flyer that includes my fine art...

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...


qualcosa di bello said...

i have always struggled with self-promotion but it is very necessary for small businesses, as you note.

your logo & flyer are very beautiful, peaceful & soothing...a real pleasure for the eye!

Anonymous said...

You know I love both you and your work Rebecca, but I am feeling this flyer is too busy for me. Is this just the front of the flyer, and if so, what are the actual dimensions? I like all of the pics, but am finding that I am not focusing on any one picture here,nor am I a focusing on the text, because there is too much going on. I'd like to see this simplified for a more Wow!look that makes me take notice, reflect on your work, and read the copy. Give me a little more info on what this flyer is please, such as size and one sided or 2?

Anonymous said...

Very cool flyer, Rebecca. Your graphics look colorful and eyecatching and you summarize your talents very neatly- I think it's a "go"!!

Annie Z said...

These are great! Well done!

Anonymous said...

your logo is truyl beautiful rebecca!!! wishing you succes!!