Today's Intention...become a student of myself...
Everything I need to learn is already in my soul...I am the greatest teacher of myself...if I only pay attention...I will learn...
Having deeply immersed myself in this reinvention process for 12 days...I have discovered some truths...everyone is self-taught on a very real level...if you could become a master at something just by taking classes...everyone would be a master...
All master artists teach themselves to matter if they trained or must apply that training by doing...the simple act of doing, creates the master...not the classes...
Painting is a process...and the process is the teacher...not the result...
Not everybody has the opportunity to apprentice under a great artist...or attend art school...some master artists were not allowed to paint while apprenticing...they had to paint after working...late into the night....attempting to duplicate their master's strokes or color sense or was years of late night practice that made them masters...and taught them their craft...and honed their skill...and I can do the same...
You said it. We already know. Trust the process!!! Words of wisdom, as usual Rebecca, thank you. I needed to hear that right now.
Hello Rebecca- I had lots to read here and take to heart. I love little ray of sunshine, too!
"become a student of myself..." what an excellent thought to hold onto today...i am glad i stopped by before beginning my own writing. & think this sentiment is comforting & inspiring...& true. i do not think about the classes i have taken when i am writing (unless i am editing!), but rather, i just let it flow through me. the words are already there.
Very profound. You put into words what I know.
the teacher is in the doing. You can take all the classes the world offers, but if (I) don't pick up the brush, what does it all matter.
BUT we get so much inspiration from other teachers. We are all teachers to each other and to ourselves. I am loving this whole process. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I put the painting on the blog.
So true. I found I had everything I needed in me to teach myself. I benefited by examining and studying the masters, but in the end I had to figure it out and do it myself. And, practice, practice, practice. Teachers can teach technique; but they can't give you the individual touch, that thing that is YOU, that comes from your spirit.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for visiting my blog and the nice things you said! I love your work.
true words spoken, rebecca. i think that everybody is his very own artist in life either by painting, composing music or any kind of passion or talent. yet to earn a living as an artist has always been a struggle for many and will always be.
beautiful rays of sunshine!!
Great words of wisdom that can be applied to many tasks one atempts Practise does make perfect ..well better..satisfying..
I want to say Thank you Rebecca for being there to encourage and comfort me while I recover from this means a lot..hugging you NG
That is so true! I have always taught myself, immersed myself in what I was passionate about, aided by the mentors and instructors I have learned from. You have to make your art, whatever it is, your own. I agree!
Wonderful insights!
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