Monday, October 8, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 8

Today's Intention...There is no key to happiness...that door is always open...whether you want to step through it is your choice....

Most people believe that they will be happy when... they have enough money, they get their dream job, they buy a house, they have a child, or they _________ (fill in the blank with your happiness meter.)

Thankfully, I realize that happiness is my birthright. Every morning I can choose to be happy and joyful. I said, every morning I can choose to be happy and joyful. And so can you. Happiness is a don't need a key, a job, a house, a child to be happy. You just need to believe that you are...

Abraham Lincoln said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

I will leave you with this question: Can you be happy, just for today?

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...


Anonymous said...

A few years ago I realized, I am simply happy to be in a good mood and be able to have inner peace one day at a time.. A big house a fancy car, too much pressure... I think I will have a nap instead.. ;) Your words are so right on!! xoxoxoox

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I've been wanting to say this to so many people. Today is where the blessings are! If only people would stop to realize it and enjoy them! And I have found if I am having a do something for somebody else...gets my mind off of me :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes!! YOU ARE RIGHT! This morning I woke up and said this is the best and happiest day of my life!! I feel so good, I am so fortunate!
The process of achievement is where I find my happiness and live in my dreams. Once achieved..... Yikes, I have to figure out WHAT's NEXT?
Can't wait to see your photo!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Vanessa, Miss Fancy Pants. The older I get, the more I am happy with the simple things in life. The bigger more expensive things I have, the less happy I am overall once the maintenance and cost start to overwhelm me! Simple things, they are the best! And I can choose to be happy or not, my choice. Yearning for stuff never ends up in happiness.

KaiBlue said...

this post reminded me of my favorite quote from Albert E. :
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be..
Peace n fun, Kai xx

Darla said...

Good words! There are many things we don't have a choice about but we CAN choose to see the positive, it only takes one small thing to get us started on a smile.


e.beck.artist said...

your blogs are right on target .... i love the wisdom of your posts .....
blessings, e