Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 24

Today's to the edge of your creativity...

"Sometimes we have to travel to the edge of ourselves to find our center." - Buck Ghosthorse, Lakota Medicine Man

on the first dulcimer performance...full concentration...notice the lips...and red face (hot flash)...

when you go to the edge of creativity...beyond your limits...great things can happen...this is what I have been doing this month...and I have stretched...I have exercised...I have experimented...and I am a little sore...but I am standing on the edge of creativity...and that is powerful...

overcoming fear...leaning forward...teetering on the edge...risking it all...and jumping without a net...leaving behind yesterday's comfort place for a new discovery...a new passion...a new me...

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...


Betty Jo said...

I so love dulcimer music. I'm sure yours is beautiful.

Darla said...

The look of concentration tells me you are so involved in what your are doing, so involved in the creative process. Everything else just drops away when we get to that spot doesn't it?


Nunnie's Attic said...

Ok so you play the dulcimer too?? You are so talented and you amaze me. I love Christmas music on the dulcimer. You should record yourself and put it on your blog. Of course I have no idea how one does that, I'm just saying...


ShabbyInTheCity said...

Oh yeah I love dulcimer music and N.C. is the place for it! Lets hear you play!

KB said...

I hear you...on the edge smiling while falling is the musings...

tlchang said...

Boy - you are busy doing so many brave things!