Friday, October 19, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 19

Today's Intention...experiment by failures are life lessons...

Failure, if you learn the lesson it teaches, is a smart failure...and smart failures are always worthwhile...

My life journey has been strewn with learning experiences, small...and large...and huge. You can see the wisdom of the lessons learned written on my face.

Life lessons are wonderfully poignant. The lessons below spring from a potent inner wisdom I learned at a young age when a terrible accident changed the course of my life forever...I learned to be alive...because life is short and...

  1. Everything happens in its own time, exactly as it should.

  2. Trust your instincts, vibrations, and gut is God's way of speaking to you.

  3. Focus on being of value.

  4. There are many perspectives to any situation.

  5. Hold those you love close.

  6. Courage comes from our spirit.

  7. Once the future becomes the is perfect.

  8. Develop soul power so that when your world unravels...your self will remain intact.

  9. There are no ordinary moments.

  10. Forgive everyone everything...including yourself.

  11. You always have choices.

  12. It is NEVER too late.

  13. A lesson is repeated...until learned.
Everything in your life has a lesson to teach...

I am off to Chicago today...teaching a lively bunch of artists the business of back soon...

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...


    Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

    Safe trip Rebecca! They're lucky to have you!

    Wanderlust Scarlett said...

    Yes, safe trip.

    I absolutely LOVE this, it's true, true, true.

    Doesn't life teach us so much when we slow down and listen, when we learn by living.

    Thanks for this, it's wonderful.
    Have fun and come home safe.

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

    xxxxx said...

    All you wrote here is what I believe in and live by. Have a wonderful and magical trip!

    Nunnie's Attic said...

    Have a great and safe trip! Take pictures!!

    You are absolutely right in what you're saying here today. My middle school history teacher used to tell us all of the time that until we learn the lesson, history is bound to repeat itself. That was 20 years ago and I still remember that. I try to apply that life lesson to my day-to-day living. Failure happens for a reason. Learn the lesson.


    Doe Grozs Art said...

    Wise words.
    Worth posting in a prominant place.
    Have Fun!

    Anonymous said...

    Oh, off to Chicago you go!!! You are a master teacher...

    So introspective and kind, learning and accepting......

    I must printout your list and tape it everywhere. So inspiring. It can change your life completly really...xoxoxoxo

    qualcosa di bello said...

    what a fantastic list...i should post it on my refrigerator!

    buon viaggio!

    Anonymous said...

    This is a great list. Thanks for sharing it.

    I'm sure the lines in your face are love lines from the inner love you have.

    Anonymous said...

    So many truths here - well said, Rebecca! Have a safe and wonderful trip - look forward to seeing you when you get back ~ xOxO

    Anonymous said...

    Have a wonderful time. Everyone there is so lucky to have you teaching them! *HUGS*

    Distant Timbers Echo said...

    One lesson I take from my dog: Always find time for naps! I love that one.
