Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reinvent-tage Day 24 - Part 2

Today's to the edge of your creativity...

This is the shell that inspired this trip to the edge...please click to see detail of all images...

The sketch with a watercolor pencil

The sketch with the lines worked with water

The painting in progress

random infinity

This was just an easy escape from watercolor yesterday...although I paint very watercolor-like, diluting my acrylics with a lot of water, it is easier for me to accomplish what I set out to do with acrylics...I imagine this is due to the fact that I have been using them for 15 years or more...


Anonymous said...

ow rebecca, this is so well done. trying to do this so many times, always in vain!! nautilus shells are the perfect creations of nature. this living fossile and it's proportional hard to find it's secret ratio!!

Annie Z said...

This is Lovely!!!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

I believe sea shells are the models of the energy of the Universe!

Anonymous said...

Looks Beautiful Rebecca!
It's always interesting to see artistic inspiration! I love seashells, and the symbol of the circle representing everlasting life. I was just at your blog just as you were at mine! :-)

Happy evening!

e.beck.artist said...

oh! your random infinity is just lovely ..... well done ....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Rebecca. It's interesting to see the steps you've taken to create this piece. I like the greens and blues and the pattern and texture in the painting.

andrea said...

I love process posts (and seashells)! Thanks for sharing it.

Zorana said...

Oh Rebecca, this is so beautiful! It makes my eyes happy to look at it... I love looking at the process of creation; I learn something new every time. xo