Sunday, October 14, 2007

Reinvent-tage Retreat Day 14

Today's Intention...ask for the ancient path...and walk in it...

"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient path, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

I often stand at a crossroads...wondering which way to these time I ask to be shown the ancient path...and then allow me to walk on it...I call on ancient wisdom which is deep inside my soul...passed on through generations of DNA...from the women who made me who I am...see The Beloved Women Before Me...

If I can be still...for long enough...I can hear/feel the wisdom they passed on to me...and then find rest for my soul...

Find rest for your soul this that not what we all are searching for?

See post here for your invitation to join the Reinvent-tage Retreat...and to see how the process works...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture. So serene. I could just sit there and read a book all day (if my kids would let me-lol)

Have a great weekend!

Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...

Beautiful picture Rebecca!

I gave you an award, it's over at my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I love this picture Rebecca!

Pam Aries said...

The ancient path...Peaceful...ahhhh...! I am going to a retreat next month where it is quiet and I will search my path. "THe Wealthy Spirit" (Chellie Campbell) is an awesome book.365 pages ..each page a story and an affirmation. It is primarily 'for financial stress reduction' but works for all aspects of life!

Nunnie's Attic said...

I love that picture. It is truly where I find serenity.

You are so wise to rely on the values instilled by previous women in your life. Not everything is learned in the present. Somethings rely on the past to be brought in to the light of today.


blessings said...

I still trust Grandma's remedies more than most modern medicines =) There's something to be said for following the advice of the older women in our lives. Blessings... Polly

Anonymous said...

Think I'll join you on the cre8tiva ancient path of life, thank for the invite!

Anonymous said...

Blissfully serene photo! Usually in my quest for rest I am trampled over by kids and dogs...I need to find ways to experience stillness in spite of the chaos of a busy home! I am always searching for it!

Thanks for being an inspiration!


Anonymous said...

The photo reminds me of our summer vacations in Denmark :-)

qualcosa di bello said...

a perfect sunday rest! beautiful photo...

Kara said...

I found rest for my soul today - a long bath and an hour of yoga. Now I've wandered here to find your lovely photo. What an great project to be doing - I was just thinking about that word intention while soaking in the bath.

Anonymous said...

yes i'm certainly longing for peace and rest. however the crazyness of the days we're living in make it often impossible even to look for it, fulfilling to obligations, dead lines to catch, even simple groceries in crowded stores are becoming a burden. yet still dreaming about that unique place to find some inner peace.
your dune picture with ocean view is just perfect!!!