Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thoughts on Blogging - Day 7

Bettina is the muse of logistics...the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption... she is critical to the success of the transition from Georgia to Florida...

MOVE UPDATE Yesterday started with me feeling better, so I tried to get my head together for logistical planning and scheduling of the next 10 days...with my brushes and art supplies packed, I am at a loss to entertain I pre-wrote several days of blog entries...that is probably a good thing because I will be extra busy until June 30th when the house is turned over to the new family... mover - mail forwarding - take down chandeliers (thanks tammi)

My friend Constance at Rochambeau' asked yesterday, "what are your favorite things about blogging?" It started me thinking about how much has happened to me since I began this blog a mere 103 days life of March 31 is not the life I have is my answer:

i love blogging because of the friendships i am forming...i started it as a venue to gently put my art out into the world and to create a community of creative souls...i have received so much more in artist's life can be so solitary (at least mine is)...the connection i have found has brought me forth...the work and words of those i visit daily touch me, inspire me, challenge me, and make me a better citizen of our world...i can visit england, france, venice, the netherlands, spain, australia, and all corners of the u.s. every day...i am learning how people live and how alike we all are...i am blessed with feedback on my art and writing...and i am growing as a soul is heart is expanding...
Today's aMUSEment -What is your blogging experience? Think back over the time you have been blogging...what part of it enhances your life...what part would you like to improve... Make some logistical plans...
U Be Creative Today!


eb said...

Hi Ms Cre8Tiva!!! - so nice to hear from you this morning -

now... about blogging... I started the end of Dec. 2006 - after seeing the pleasure my sister was experiencing with her blog and the friendships she was making - I have always been involved in the arts and the desire to put images and words together was strong... last night we were without power for about 7 hours - and at the time I usually post something new - not having access made me keenly aware of how attached I am to this medium - almost like an extension of my brain - I could go on and on... I love the photography, putting my work out there, writing the narratives - the friendships, the kind comments - the ease with which I can see other's work and have a taste of their lives...

now the negatives - the sitting - I am and need to be active so the sitting is problematical - and my family complains about my time on the computer and what seems to be my obsessiveness...

BUT - I have learned and continue to learn so much -

thanks for asking - best wishes on your move - and do visit

xox - eb.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I tell people all the time that next to 1)my salvation and 1)getting married/having babies...that blogging is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me :)

Anonymous said...

I really liked your thoughtful answer yesterday, and reading it again today. Thank you for linking Rochambeau today!
One of the reasons I started my blog is I know that we will be moving. I'm not sure when, but I know it will happen. I decided to use my blog as a grounding cord to help me with my transition. I guess you could say you leading the way for me.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! I just love it!

You asked...
What is your blogging experience? Think back over the time you have been blogging...what part of it enhances your life...what part would you like to improve... Make some logistical plans...

Due to the fact that I have a physical handicap (although not a HUGE one) I really had no friend before I began blogging. I have now met alot of bloggers. Mostly online but hey that's WAY better then nothing. It has REALLY helped boost my self-confidence.
I was a pitiful person always looking down on myself. Now though with help from other fellow bloggers...I realize that EVERYONE is here for a reason and that we each make a difference.
I am no longer scared to live because I have seen on blogger those that post pictures of what they do daily etc. It has inspired me to take a step and try....
All I can say to each blog that I visit is THANK YOU for inspiring me to live!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, this will be my second attempt at leaving you a comment today, so am counting on this onee making it through the "spacelocks", LOL. The first sped off into cyberspace! Hey ~ am still working out the kinks between my computer & fingers in the blogworld!

In coming to your blog to thank you for your kind comments on my new blog, I was taken by this post yesterday, as you wrote about all of the wonderful things that have come about in you & around you through your blogging experience. As a first time blogger with one post, am thrilled to hear of others who have grown so creatively & in relationships through this wonderful adventure of blogging. I can see already that it opens up so many worlds! Glad you liked the country scenes in my banner & blog. I love living in them!

Blessings to you, too! I see from your post today, that you are delightedly getting your beachfront home ready. How wonderful!!!

Have a great day! :-)