Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Birthday Follow Up n' Stuff

I thought you might like to know about my birthday itself...

This was the morning sky on my pink birthday...

some of you asked if I got what I asked for...

I usually do...
thanks to Meredith (my baby sister) and Mary Beth (her daughter)

I great is that???
is it too much?!?!?!

This was the evening sky on my birthday

Manuela of The Feathered Nest gave me a Rockin Girl Blogger award yesterday...thank you my made me feel all giggly and girly and happy...Thank you for caring.....

I am going to be doing Michelle's Crusade No.14 tomorrow...tune in...

I took the pledge to buy handmade or make all my Christmas presents this year...

I am also paying it forward...ala Michelle at The Inspired Room and Nunie and many others...more about this later this week...


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

these purple haze skies are just stunning. we're about to freeze over here underneath a grey winter mist.
what a great presents you received? they truly spoiled you!!

Sherry said...

There is no such thing as "too much" when it comes from Tiffany!! :)

Loved the sky on your start and end the day!!

Congrats on the award too...aren't they fun to receive?!

blessings said...

You sweet gal! You've been through the wringer lately, haven't you?! I'm sorry I've not been by recently. I've been a bit MIA myself. Too much? - nope! You should have pink pretties inside blue boxes more often. Blessings... Polly

Sherry said...

Rebecca, thank you for the delightful birthday wishes!! So glad to call you my new friend!!

Leslie said...

There is no such thing as too much bling. Happy birthday and congratulations on your award!

Naturegirl said...

What a gift!!! Tiffany Beautiful!! Amethyst? (((((WOW!)) You had the perfect day on your NG

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your ring is beautiful! When was your birthday? Mine was Nov 22!

You asked where in NC I was. I live near Asheville. In the mountains...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous - not too much at all!


Gill said...

Oh that little blue box makes my heart beat a little faster.
Lucky birthday girl!!!
Gillian & Co. (LOL!)

Anonymous said...

No- do you hear me NO!!! That ring is NOT too much- And the sky??? Well, it was the best shade of birthday pink I have ever seen!

turquoise cro said...

oOHHH LA LA!! SWEET! I LOVE the ring too! hehe

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Wowee! That took the sting out of getting a year older, huh? Very pretty.

Darla said...

A beautiful ring for a beautiful lady. I need to go check out the pay it forward info.


Susan Schwake said...

totally beautiful! and you rock...

Nunnie's Attic said...

Your ring is gorgeous!! I love it!!
And your pictures are beautiful.

Julie said...

LOve LOve Love the ring!!!!! And the sky!!! Pink is YOUR color this year for sure!!!!!!! I bought almost all my gifts handmade this year!! Yippeeee!!!

xxxxx said...

No it's not too much! But it's gorgeous!

I've been deep in work these past two weeks and, deadlines met, I came round to say hello :-)

Jeanette Janson said...

Happy Birthday! This ring screams "YOU," am I right?

Karen Cole said...

Happy, happy birthday, Rebecca!!!

I think I'm going to ask for a pink birthday as well. That sky is fantastic. Wish I could have seen you open that pretty blue box. You are blessed to have people that care so much about you.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love the Tiffany!!!!! You are one blessed woman!

Thanks for a great visit!

Anonymous said...

Hey there... just wanted to say hello real quick .... hope you are well.... love the goodies you got for your Bday .... oh my!!



Scrappy Moments said...

The Ring is Beautiful Rebecca & So are The Sunset Pictures. Fabulous, I had a Pink Birthday Too :)


Wanderlust Scarlett said...


Whew... I think I made it just in time... you haven't got a new post up yet!

It looks like it was a FABULOUS birthday, and I am very glad about that! Birthdays are special and should be magical.
The sparkle gleaming off of your hand definitely looks like magic to me!

Scarlett & Viaggiatore

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

Just thinking... too... it would have been nice to have Breakfast at Tiffany's, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday pretty photos too!

Tinker said...

It's lovely! What a wonderful present - wishing you a belated but heartfelt happy birthday! Congratulations on your award, too!

Carolyn said...

You are very blessed to have a wonderful family who bought you THAT ring ! Nothing is too much , you deserve it !
It sparkles on your hand , just like you ..

J C said...

Gosh, you had a really, wonderful pink birthday! Thanks for sharing your pretty, pretty goodies. I can tell you're loved!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back after your birthday.

The ring is a winner.

rochambeau said...

You had a wonderful Birthday Rebecca!
Nice ring one a creative and beautiful hand.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Wow, isn't that a great birthday gift!

Pam Aries said...

YAI Yai YAI !! THe blue Box! Wheee! What a great birthday! Your day was pink and BLUE!

Giggles said...

Awesome....lucky lady tonight!! Pink....oh my beautiful!! The universe sent the perfect sunset expressing it's gratitude for your existence!

Congratulation on your award, it's always fun!

paru's_circle said...

sorry i missed your 'day!
happy belated b'day
your pressie from tiffany's is awesome!!
great photos

tongue in cheek said...

Oh la la!! Yes it is too much, so send it to me and I'll make sure it is safe.

Lucky girl!!