Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Party's Over...Who Won....

My First Ever...Special Edition Print...signed and numbered...matted for framing...

Fly Forth O Gentle Dove

Why Fly Forth you ask...she was the first painting on canvas that I was satisfied with and the first that I placed in my home...she is my inspiration because I am flying forth...each day stronger and higher...until I can soar...

While you look at my art...a part of me and a part of the one who inspires me...somehow becomes a part of you...even if only for an instant...we connect...and the energy that surrounds the creation flows forth...

My angels represent my desire to offer gratitude...as I strive, however meekly, to give them a visual voice...for they rarely speak...for a time they are my angels...as they bring forth my message as well as their own for the person they eventually live with...

Some say my angels have an ethereal quality...a lightness of being...the colors that emanate from them and surround them speak to me...before my brush ever touches the canvas...and they all have a windswept quality...as though they were standing at the edge of my beloved sea...poised to fly...

They are very feminine...with illuminated translucent wings...and they are faceless...I want you, the viewer, to have a part in their creation...to envision their features...if you cannot, that is fine and how they should be for you...but if you can see...that is exactly what I intend...for they hold dear the spirit of the souls who understand...
The above is my artistic statement...it flowed forth from me tonight...on this my 56th year of joyous being...this is why I create...this is why I feel art is my sacred path...and my prayer...

I thank each of you for coming to my party...I am breathless at the well wishes and love which flowed throughout the 5-day event...I am forever grateful that you took some time from your busy lives to dance with me...and I wish all of you could have been winners of my little giveaway...but to me you are all winners...and you have a piece of my heart....

The winners are...in no particular order...

lisa s oceandremwer...http://imaginationcafe.blogspot.com/
nature girl...http://nature-trail.blogspot.com/
crafty hala...http://simplysage.blogspot.com/
suzi finer...http://www.suzifiner.typepad.com/
Winners please e-mail me your mailing address to: studiorebecca@aol.com


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Congratulations lovely ladies!
and Happy Birthday dear!

Nunnie's Attic said...

Congratulations to everyone!! It is such a beautiful piece. Lucky winners all of them!!

Thanks for the fun, Rebecca.


Darla said...

Congratulations to the winners. I know your artwork will be treasured.


ShabbyInTheCity said...

Thank you so much! Do I ever know where that will go! And I think I'll hang some Vanessa's nearby too...my own art gallery :) To remember the creative spirits I 'play' with each day :)

Carolyn said...

Looks like you all had a great time - i certainly did ! I have a hang over from the champagne !
Congrats to all the lucky winners , you have something precious there !

Anonymous said...

So beautiful... congratulations to the lovely ladies that won!

Your talent is amazing Becca...



Sherry said...

Rebecca!! This is so beautiful and I am so honoured to be a winner. This is going to be so very treasured by me...very representative of my own journey as well. The colours are perfect for my bedroom which is my sanctuary.

Thank you so very much!

Anonymous said...

Happiness is MINE!!! Thanks for making my day...

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I am thrilled beyond words....so thrilled!!! And just in time to hang it in my "gallery" space in the new studio! What an honor to have one of your prints!As Tara said, here it is YOUR birthday and WE get a gift! How wonderful you are!

Heather said...

Congratulations to the winners! That angel is divine!! Hope you are having a wonderful birthday Rebecca!

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH! I can't tell you how thrilled I am. A beautiful angel and music in the background. Music and the spirit are such a big part of my life. I am so happy and so appreciative. Thank you so much Rebecca.

Mary Timme said...

Happy Birthday to you (2X's)
Happy Birthday dear Rebecca,
Happy Birthday to you and little Faith Marie Joy!

You have one tough little girl sharing your birthday. You lucky lady. What a beautiful post this is.

The Fairy Godmother said...

I missed your birthday, sorry, many many happy returns.

Naturegirl said...

Rebecca she is too beautiful for words!! She speaks to me the painting speaks to me...we make our own music
is what I feel when I look at the sheet music..doves are so special to me..I have posted so many in past posts..Peace love and happiness is what they represent to me when they arrive in my garden in pairs!
Angels well I believe they surround us and this one is so moving
I am so HAPPY to have the opportunity
to have one all to myself! Thank you so much! I am filled with emotion as I stare at this image!

I believe people come into our lives for a season ..for a reason..I am blessed that you came into my life through blogging!
Hugs and much gratitude aNNa xo

rochambeau said...

Congratulations to all who won! Your Angel is so soft and pretty!

Doe Grozs Art said...

Rebecca, this is so wonderful and so generous of you. I love it. My heart is thrilled with this and I am honored to have your work in my home.
I will be flying forth with you every time I see it.
Thank you so very much.
Many fruitful blessings in your new year.

KaiBlue said...

congraddies to all your ladies Rebecca, thank you for your kind words to me and mr dan. It's very kind of you to stop by. :)

PEace and light, Kai xx

xxxxx said...

Well done to the lucky winners!!! What a beautiful prize they/you got! Rebecca, I hope your birthday was splendid.

Mahala said...

Wow...I'm thrilled to have won.Thank you so much,

Anonymous said...

oooh thank you so much rebecca!! i feel so honored and i'll cherish the precious gift of your hands!

turquoise cro said...

WOOT! Congratulations!!! to all the lucky ladies!!I LOVE angels and yours is sooOOoo pretty! and soft looking!Sharing on your birthday! Sweet! HOPE YOU had a angelic birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for stopping by my blog...sorry you had so much trouble... we are not sure what type of dog Bandit is ... my daughter adopted him

I am going to try something here... my programmer explained what I may be doing wrong.. but I think its google... it wont let it link if you dont have a google account




Anonymous said...

Trying again as I mispelled it or it wont let me type in the whole link

Anonymous said...

I wont let me type in the whole link..

Sorry about clogging up your blog with my test posts



Anonymous said...

Are you putting in the web page field?

Anonymous said...

It's not Google, since I'm not using a Google account.

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Rebecca, I love you painting! Just beautiful.

Congratulations to all your winners!

Anonymous said...

That was my programmer...I finally figured it out after I wandered all over the blog world leaving posts ... I didn't want to leave you with too huge a mess... computer literate I am NOT

Check it out and thanks for letting me be a pain in the ARSE


Anonymous said...

Oh, I wanted to win but it looks like you have wonderful recipients for your artwork!


Anonymous said...

Yiiippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I never win and to win something made by you and angelic. That is more than touching!!! xxxooo

somepinkflowers said...

loved your yummy party cake!


hope your birthday
was everything you wanted it
to be!

somepinkflowers to you,
56 + 1 for the upcoming year!

Janet said...


I am so sorry to have missed your party. Happy Belated Birthday!


kari and kijsa said...

Congratulations to everyone! You are the best!

smiles, kari and kijsa

Anonymous said...

Fly Forth - she is beautiful. Happy winners :-)

Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...

OH MY!! I am so sad I missed all the fun! Dang this stupid job!

That piece is beautiful!

Congratulations ladies! :)

I'm so glad your celebration was a success!


gma said...

Love the painting.
Congratulations to the winners!

Sandra Evertson said...

Oh my, this is really Gorgeous,she looks as though she will fly right off the canvas!
Sandra Evertson

Pam Aries said...

THe party was fabulous ..dahling! congratulations to all the winners! You are a very cool gal and we are all the better for having met you!

tlchang said...

Lovely sentiments in your artist statement. That is a wonderful creative place to be coming from.

Now that the party is over, gear up to enjoy your next year!

Anonymous said...

Congradulations to all of the winners! :) This piece is sooo beautiful! No wonder you put it up! An angel to watch after you each day. :) *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

You're so talented! Congratulations to all the lucky ladies who won!


Becca said...

Hello, Rebecca, and Happy Birthday! This is my first visit to Cre8Tiva (found by way of Tara at Paris Parfait) and I must tell you how beautiful your painting is. I took one look and just sighed with wonder.

I will return to visit you again - your blog made my eyes smile :)

(And we share the same name, too ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky winners! I'm so sorry I missed the contest, but I'm glad I made it here in time to see your lovely art - beautiful!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

She is quite beautiful!