Oh the things you'll need to know
To grow up wise and strong and true
May I be there to guide you through...

Oh the things you'll need to know
To grow up wise and strong and true
May I be there to guide you through...
Posted by
Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva
9:03 AM
such lovely pictures of you and your girl!!
time passes so quickly!!
wishing your girl all the luck and fortune!! beautiful ring!!
So many beautiful hands... congratulations to you and your daughter and a belated Happy Birth Day to you!
OH MY GOSH!!!! I am so excited for you Casey!!!I am sitting here crying, because I am so happy for you. That was a beautiful way to display the engagement!
Love and Prayers, Mary Beth
oh!!! tears !!!!
how dear your post is!
What a wonderful tribute and post! I can't imagine...my little girl is only 6. Congrats to your family.
What sweet pictures!! Congratulations to your daughter!! And this was such a lovely tribute. You're a great mom!
Are you trying to make us cry Rebecca??? Because it is working!
So many beautiful pictures and memories! Congratualtions to your daughter and her new hubby. What an exciting time in her life!
I came by to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
what a lovely photo collage post, a tear-jerker for sure! how proud a momma you must be...many congratulations to you all!
How thrilling.
Those hands look beautiful graced with a symbol of love!
Congratulations Casey!
Hey you`re back !!
been looking for you to post , i was worried about you !!
But now i know you were on vacation ! :-)
I need your addy , if you haven`t sent it already , for your goodies !!
(( hugs ))
Congratulations to your daughter and her fiance!!! The ring is beautiful and what a touching post..from the poem you wrote in '75, to all the photographs of hands...hands are so very important in all that we do.
What a blessed addition to your gratitudes for Thanskgiving!
Congratulations Rebecca! What a beautiful, emotional post! I love the progression shown through hands. Just wonderful! Best wishes to your daughter and her future husband. :-)
Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone! My mom has always been great at making people cry. Ha!
I haven't ever seen some of these photos! I am trying to figure out where some were taken!
And whoa...Dad with a 'fro. Who knew?
Happy Thanksgiving, R,
for all the up lifting comments
you have left for me
over the past few months.
your positive energy is felt
far and wide...
i am thankful.
somepinkflowers go out to you!
Congratulations to the happy couple.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I'll be counting you among my blessings tomorrow. I always appreciate your positive spirit.
Ah, can we ask for anything more? If our children are happy and in love then everything is golden.
Lovely entry!!!
Happy Thanksgiving.
OH that was a wonderful beautiful visit with you and your daughter through the years... You are gorgeous and so is your daughter!! And the love and the ring! What joy, all my best for her future!! I am sure it will be dreamy! xoxooxxo
Oh, how touching! Congratulations to you and your daughter!
All choked up now! :-0
Happy Thanksgiving,
Congratulations, Rebecca! Beautiful tribute to Casey, and yes, I'm tearing too! Sheesh!
Woooo Hoooooo! Congradulations! Congradulations to you and to your daughter. Wonderful post!!!!! *HUGS*
I got sooo excited I forgot to say that I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!!! *HUGS*
Just wishing you a very Happy Thanks Giving , to you and all your beautiful family !
Hope you have a blessed day !
Your little girls' hands are lovely - how sweet this post is - congratulations to the happy couple - and the proud mama, too!Blessings to all - and Happy Thanksgiving, too~xo
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