Sunday, November 11, 2007

BIGarse* G I V E A W A Y

We're poppin the cork...

YOU are cordially invited

to the amazing...incredible...fantastic

too extraordinary & improbable to admit of belief


BIGarse G I V E A W A Y

P A R T Y. . . .

tomorrow is my happy birth day and my 240something post...

so in honor of my

240somethingth Post & Birth Day...

I am having a

240somethingth Post & Birth Day

Give Away...

it is BIG... BIG...

I am putting everybody up in this motel...

B I G. . .

So how do I enter this BIGarse GIVE AWAY...leave a comment between now and Monday noon on any post between now and Monday...if you link to this post, you'll get 2 additional chances...if you spread the news on your blog...let me know please...

Please tell your friends...everyone is invited...there will be dancin' champagne on ice...mirrors on the ceiling...

So what's the BIGarse prize you ask...the second hint is below...

one thru one hundred...
in less than a day...
it's the first and it's special...
what more can i say....

Guess what arse is...the first to guess wins biggest...

i asked for a pink tiffany diamond...

album -


Darla said...

Um, I'm supposed to guess what *arse is? Other than the obvious, and too obvious on me?

Lets see.. a.r.s.e = ears or sear or sea without an r. HAHAHA

I'm enjoying my stay in the motel but I'm not sure what they put in the coffee this morning.


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!! Oh this is tooo wonderfully fun for words!! Mirros, Champagne!!! Did you see all the rubber duckies in the pool??? xoxooxxo

Anonymous said...

You are waxing poetic
and I am confused,
just give me that diamond
so I won't blow my fuse!

Great giveaway (wink!)!


cotedetexas said...

Wow- my birthday is Wed!!! My husaband's was Friday. scorpios unite!!
Thanks so much for your kind comment !!!!


Sherry said...

Can't wait to come to your party!! I've always wanted to stay at the Champagne Motel!!

elizabeth said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY--and many, many more!! Florida is THE place to be--I'm in Alabama, 'bout as close as you can get without being there!!
What could that BIG ARSE be?? Maybe a batch of vintage postcards from the motel??? That would be cool!! Fun!!

rochambeau said...

More than winning the BIG diamond, I want you to know that I'm thinking Happy Birthday thoughts for you!!


Pass the champagne!
Cheers to you m'dear!

&rew said...

Love that huge motel sign - very retro! Happy birthday! &rew

xxxxx said...

Happy birthday Rebecca!!!!! Yee hee! Oh my, I love how you called this giveaway. It made my day. Listen, I fell down the stairs (!) yesterday and hurt my ankle. Thankfully no serious harm done, but I'm sure a glass of champagne will ease the pain. I can bring the strawberries :-)

Have a great celebration!

Judy Wise said...

Happy Birthday missy!! I'm lovin' every minute at the Champagne Motel. This magic fingers vibrating bed is the bomb.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Rebecca! thanks for the heads up on your Big, Big (Arse=Ass!) LOL
Birthday Party! And a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, my dear. Can't wait to see what the prize is.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!
I will be on the train tomorrow and no computers there, so I have to send my wishes now :-)

Nunnie's Attic said...

The hotel is gorgeous! I have a side bar link up already. It's been there for a few days reminding everyone of your big day!



Sherry said...

Hey Rebecca, just to let you know, I linked you on a post at Esprit d'Art...hopefully you'll have lots of guests at your birthday bash!!

DJ said...

I wish you that pink tiffany diamond, and many many birthday hugs! Well... we know that arse means the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on, but a far better definition would perhaps be ....Acknowledging Rebecca's Shindig Everywhere???
Happy Birthday!!

Carolyn said...

Hi , thanks for inviting me !
Ok , so what is it ?
I`ve thought long and hard , here goes ...
one thru 100 - maybe make a list of 100 things you love ,
not sure of the in less than a day ,
It`s first and it`s special - your first wedding anniversary , which is paper .
Maybe vintage papers ?
And you asking for a Tiffany diamond . You can`t have been married 60 years ! ? You look too young ! :o)

Happy birthday !!

Naturegirl said...

How exciting to travel to hotel California and be one of your guests...oh you sure do dream (((BIG)) why not you only go around once!! I'm referring to the diamond!!

BTW **I'll link you** on yesterdays post and tomorrows post (Mon.) because today I have posted a sombre post. OK. hugs aNNa said...

Looks like a great place to stay! count me in

Anonymous said...

well i give up on the guessing but over here in the valley it's just past midnight, monday nov.12th!! SO VERY BIG!!
.....i'm the first wishing you a wonderful, sunny, pink, happy
birthday to you my dear rebecca!!!
let's swing
the cork is poppin here allright!

ShabbyInTheCity said...



Anonymous said...

Happy, happy Birthday! Happy, happy Birthday!!! La la la laaaa la! Okay, not the traditional Happy Birthday song but I was singing it as I wrote it. :) I hope that you have a perfect day on your B-Day and congrats on your 240th post - whoo hoo! So glad you joined this wonderful virtual world. :) now for the has something to do with ARSE?
First thing that comes to mind is hot pants, don't know why. I do know that I would have to throw back an entire tray of pink martinis before I put a pair of hot pants on my arse! Hee! My second guess is disco dancin' at the Taj Mahal in wouldn't THAT be fun?! Not so realistic but FUN!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love champagne!!!
Fun fun fun!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Happy Birthday to all you Scorpios out there from another one here.

Riddles? I'm clueless.
I always just lose it.
Mysteries always elude me. Sigh
though expert I try to be by n by.

e.beck.artist said...

.... hooray for your birthday ..... i'm so excited that i get to win a diamond and have that las vegas cheap hotel getaway ... just grand!!! .....
i believe i am sitting on my arse ... i occassionally work my arse off ..... and frequently laugh my arse off ..... but i would guess a.r.s.e. could have a more significant meaning .... like
art really should evolve
art rarely satisfies everyone
arstiness regularly shows emotion
artsy rebecca showing emotion
artistic rebecca surely enlightens
arse rebellions should engage
arse rebels simply emoting ....
ok ... i give up .... happy birthday!!

Lila Rostenberg said...

Happy Birthday! I'm in "Hotel Atlanta" now, can't check out or think of leaving until my grandson is born! Maybe he will come on your birthday!

somepinkflowers said...

how did you get a photo
of my DIAMOND?


was just wondering...

Gill said...

Happy Birthday Rebecca~! Many happy returns. May all your dreams come true~~~~!**********
May you be spoiled BIGarse rotten!

Anonymous said...

I was going to check in today anyway, when I heard about your big arse special...CONGRATULATIONS!!!

tlchang said...

Great big happy birtday wishes to you tomorrow! I hope you have a wonderful day and treat yourself in a proper queenly (and pink champagne-y) fashion!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I am here to wish you a VERY Happy Birthday! To let you know your blog is always inspiring and wonderful. That YOU are inspiring and wonderful. I am not commenting to win anything(truly)....I think friendship is the gift. I've been so out of the loop with this project of mine I've missed a lot. But I did NOT want to miss wishing you a most wonderful day!
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Yippy I love give aways!
Happy blogging feat!

Ro Bruhn said...

Happy Birthday Rebecca.
ARSE, Artist Rebecca Surprises Everyone.
Hope you get your diamond, love the party, having a great time.

gma said...

Happy Happy Birthday Rebecca!!!
Have a beautiful day!
Congrats on 240 some posts.

Anonymous said...

Though I'm too late for the party and the contest, I hope it's not too late to still wish you a very merry Happy Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful year, dear Rebecca ~ xOx