Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Turn Your Radio On

Today's Intention...turn my radio on...find my frequency...

I have learned how to listen to my inner radio...have you?

Each of us has an inner frequency deep within our being that broadcasts messages...your frequency has something to do with being fully alive...and sharing your aliveness with others...reaching out...making connections...with your own special energy...your frequency...

Blue Angels November 3, 2007

Like the Blue Angels that I photographed Saturday...you need to pay sharp attention...stay focused...stay plugged in...in tune...with yourself and the world around you...

I have learned a lot about my energy and my response to other people's energy...I tend to soak up the energy around me...if you are happy, I am five times as happy...if you are sad, I am morose...I do not like violence of any type...I actually feel the person's pain...physically...I have learned not to watch news...or even violent television shows...if someone gets punched in the stomach...my stomach hurts...

I do not think it is selfish...I have learned how to take care of myself...and what makes her feel unbalanced...I don't like crowds of people...this is why I shun shopping during holidays...or even going to the movies...I have to be very aware...be present in the moment...to avoid being swept up in the chaotic energy of a crowd...

Like the two Blue Angels above...If I am aware of my frequency and energy, I am sure others are also...imagine what we can do when we can actually feel and hear ourselves...tune in to our frequency...pay attention to what we are broadcasting...and when...

I believe most of us spend a good amount of time unplugged...then we perceive static in the energy around us...internal and external...because we are not broadcasting from our authentic frequency...we create some of this static energy...the popping and fading and cracking noise...that is the accumulation of an energy charge...and it is affecting the world...

Like the tiny angel above, when I can maintain a present moment focus...or mindfulness...I seem to stay in tune...and in touch with myself...and it is then, and only then, that I can express a consistent and authentic self in the world...

I can use frequency modulation...the establishment of a new key...varying one or more of my unique signal's basic characteristics...so as to change the character of the sound...so we vary our energy signals all the time in response to out own energy...or that of others...

And when I amp up...to include self-actualization, like the solitary Blue Angel below...emitting my own true frequency...I begin to know my life path and purpose...and if I stay on my frequency...and work from my center...not only can I hear and communicate more clearly...my life will resonate...

U Be Creative Today!

Please stop by Nunnie's Attic today...she is having a wonderful Christmas giveaway...tell her I sent you...


Doe Grozs Art said...

wonderful post. I love coming here :-)
My heart meditation this morning and what I got out of it is similar to this experience. Sharing your "Light" with others. We are each unqiue and should share that light so as not to waste it or keep in the dark or hidden in some dusty attic...
You are so inspiring....

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring! I think as I get older I am more and more becoming aware of my "inner radio" and how I can be most effective in the world! I am learning to avoid things that bring static, or tunes that make me uneasy!

Thanks dearie, for the food for thought!


ShabbyInTheCity said...

Trying to think what to say...I will agree with Melissa! I try to keep my sunnyside up and cheer those I come in contact with :)

rochambeau said...

It's a great visual image Rebecca, an inner radio!

The things you speak about, in feeling the feelings of others, I am like that too. It is a blessing and sometimes the reverse. BUT it is a gift and part of what makes you, you. A person I can relate to!

Think I'll go turn my radio on now and get tuned in!!

Darla said...

One of the reasons I enjoy some time solitude and silence is that I can tune in to my own frequency entirely.

Life's background noise blocks out some of the quieter messages going on inside.


Anonymous said...

very insightful post.. blogging has helped me fine tune by inner radio and to focus.. thanks for stopping by Junking in Georgia.. come back and I will be back here to visit you my best Karen

Sherry said...

Inspiring post today...you create incredible images with your words Rebecca. Always a joy to come here. You make me feel creative!

Nunnie's Attic said...

I love how you word your thoughts! I stumble and ramble and take forever to get my point across. You are truly inspirational!!

Thanks for the nod. I'll be sure to enter your name again!!


gma said...

Oh yes...I am often influenced by other peoples frequencies....especially when I havn't taken quiet time to tune to my own. Beautifully said!

Jodi Peary said...

I really enjoyed reading this post and felt the transmission of your positive and creative energy. Thanks for sharing your ideas. jodi

Karen Cole said...

Wow....I realized I haven't visited you in awhile. You are a busy lady!

I too, am very in tune with what is going on around me and who I am with.
Your use of the Blue Angels to illustrate this point is amazing.

Congrats on your beautiful art show, Rebecca.

kari and kijsa said...

You are so right...we need to prioritize and focus on what is important! We needed to hear that today because we have been running like crazy to get ready for our show!

Have a blessed day!

kari and kijsa

Annie Jeffries said...

The little angel is a total inspiration for me. I have so many Rosaries and it has just NEVE occurred to me to wrap them around a statue. Now why is that????? Thanks so much for the inspiration. I'm off to drap one right now. xxoo

Distant Timbers Echo said...

This is quite beautiful to post, honey, and if I may, I'd add a quote from H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda:

"So your peaceful vibrations, although you may not even know of them, will certainly work on many people. You will be helping the whole world in one way or another to find peace and joy. You do not need to have any doubt about this. No greater service can we do."

Miriam said...

My first time here...this post speaks to me so, sooo much. I need to tune into that, a, any frequency at the moment. I am terribly out of sync. Your words have provided some insight and inspiration. Thanks for that.