Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thou Art My Sister...and Brother...

This is how I feel about those sisters and brothers that I have been blessed to connect with through my blog...I am more than thankful...for you...

"trio" - 2007 - acrylic, watercolor and marmarino plaster on heavy paper

Thou art my sister and brother, because we were born of the same great spirit; conceived from the same mound of earth; slept quietly together in the cradle of unknowing until He in his gentleness set us in the midst of are my sister, I love you.

You and I are destined to be companions on the highway of life; together or apart, you are my sister I love you....if the color of my skin is different from yours it mattereth not, only let the beauty of our souls be kindred.

I will honor your wisdom and understanding, as you will mine, together we shall seek the seeds of truth in the distant rooms of the Great Spirit; the reflection of inner knowledge shall wear as beauty upon our are my sister I love you.

I will be human and fall down in rough places; but thy hand is near mine, I will reach for it. I shall not be alone. I will embrace you when the rains of sorrow visit you, I will visit your soul as if it were my are my sister and brother, I love you.

If death takes me from the lamp of life, and the veil of sleep falls across my eyes before yours, I will wait for you. I will come to lead you across the bridge of night into the meadows of the Great are my sister and brother I love you. adapted from a poem by Jean Humphrey Chaille


Mary Timme said...

Yikes! I'm almost weeping in Thankfulness, as you've said it so well!

Sherry said...

Oh Rebecca!! First of all, the things you have given thanks for just took my breath away. I love how you live in your heart and you speak from there as well.

Then your is more than breath is stunning!!! And your words? I am just so blessed to have come in contact with you. Your soul is definitely expressed through your art and your words.

I hope that you and your family have had a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Naturegirl said...

Rebecca this is beautiful! I know firsthand that these words you sincerely live by! I was touched when you reached out your hand to me while I suffered recently with shingles. Your constant encouraging words and caring heart helped immensley!You are my ~frister~ and I love you! hugs aNNa xo

gma said...

Dearest Rebecca...Hope you had a beautiful day. Syncronicity here....I posted "Thou art my sister" the other is beautiful...thankful for you too my sister.

Anonymous said...

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too my friend... sorry I didnt get here sooner but I was without my computer until today...the internet was down


tlchang said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Lovely, poignant and oh-so-appropriate gratitudes. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving does make reflection regarding what is good in our lives special . You have done a very moving post; I thank you for sharing it. Happy Thanksgiving Karen

Karen Cole said...


What a beautiful Thanksgiving post. You DO have SO MUCH to be thankful for and you did it so eloquently.

Congats on your daughters engagement. A beautiful past and a bright future.

xo Karen

Mo'a said...

Beautiful and thoughtful post...It openes ones eyes to the blessings we have...and what we should do for others who are not as blessed.
I am grateful that I am gaining my health that I can visit my favorite blogs and leave a message of thanks.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you oh sweet and wonderful Rebecca....for putting in to perspective the HAVE instead of the NOT HAVES. For in your above post I, like you, have things and people and life to be grateful for.
I had read this on Gemma's blog the other goes to show how connected we all are through this silken thread of love and kindness.
I am SO happy we have connected!!!
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

By the way... meant to tell you I love your post... very wise...very moving


Pam Aries said...

Girlll..I am way behind in my blogging! ..Your post is well put, my cyber friend! I am ever so grateful to have met you! Are you ever coming to Charleston?ha! Love and peace!

e.beck.artist said...

what a gorgeous post ....
i'm glad your thanksgiving was spent in awareness of your many blessings ....

Anonymous said...

lovely art rebecca and thank you for your kind words.
i hope you had a wonderful celebration!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Did you know that if you thought or said the word "healthy" three times for every time you thought or said the word "sick", that you'll never get sick and never die?

It's true!

rochambeau said...

Happy late Thanksgiving Rebecca, I am thankful for you! Beautiful words an lovely artwork too!

kari and kijsa said...

Beautiful...just beautiful!

Have a very blessed day!

smiles, kari and kijsa

T.M.K. said...

i came across your blog via the pledge site. i grew up in fernandina and still live nearby. i really liked your post on thanksgiving. so very true.
take care.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Rebecca. Thank you so much.

Have a blessed Sunday.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful! I am thankful for my blogging friends as well. You included...definately!!!!! I am very thankful to know you. :)
I hope that you had a wonderful thanksgiving! I'm sooo sorry that I have been behind on blogging. *HUGS*

Darla said...

Thank you for writing such a thoughtful post. The words will stay with me.

The paining of The Trio is marvelous.


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

God bless you dear Rebecca!!!
You are a truely inspiration, a great person and talented gifted woman!

thailandchani said...

Wow... this is a very nice reminder. :)

Anonymous said...

My gooodness. This really puts things into perspective doesn't it? Just beautiful Miss Rebecca!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, beautiful and thoughtful as always! People in this country take so many things for granted.

I'm grateful to have "met" you!


Gill said...

Oh I am more than touched. That poem is divine. I am speechless, what a fine choice to post Rebecca.
Thank you for your kind and generous comments all the time, for reading my blog and being a sweet friend. Much love to you on Thanksgiving and always.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful thoughts, Rebecca!


J C said...

Amen Rebecca.