Monday, November 26, 2007

Down the Rabbit Hole...

image from here

Sorry I have been MIA/absent/out to lunch most of the time since my birthday...I left my birthday party and went straight to a pity party...I 'usually' am a happy, positive being...but a series of unfortunate events of late have lead me astray from my 'usual' bubbly personality...why??? the following 3 paragraphs are full of excessive skip them if you want...but I feel a great need to moan and complain...

If you don't know, I am the editor of a magazine for an international non-profit art league...on my birthday morning, I found myself in tears dealing with a vexatious, troublesome board of directors over the magazine...which was put to bed?!?!, 14 days later than 'usual' because of the 'unusual' proofing by all nine board members...I 'usually' have the magazine to the printer the first of November because I 'usually' spend 10 days in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for my birthday...however, that was not to be this year...

I was only able to steal a tiny 3-day vacation this year, loosing 7 pre-paid days because of the magazine...upon return, I had to deal with more major pain in the arse issues created by the board...wearing on my last nerve, leaving me feeling distressed and is, of late, requiring great physical and mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure the creation of each issue...When, the day it was scheduled to be on the press, someone called the printer and had production halted while one of the board members was attempting to create an ad in 10 minutes to fill a hole created by frustrated advertiser who pulled their ad because, you guessed it, the board wanted an updated was the final straw...I felt like I had fallen into the rabbit hole...and wonderland it wasn' was so out of control...I have no idea what the final layout is...and I am still trying to climb out of this depressing pit...

down the rabbit hole 2007 - acrylic on board

I have been editor of this magazine for 10 years...and I have never had anyone stop production before...I am still in disbelief and shell shocked by the entire series of unfortunate I write this I find that I am still searching for some way to make sense of it...but far worse, I am resigned to the fact that when my contract is up in July I must step aside as the editor....and it is very painful...

So I must apologise for my absence due to the pity party and the lateness of delivering the birthday prints to their deserving owners...they will be mailed this week...I promise...

Ending on a positive note...take this little quiz to find out how creative you are...

...I Am 95% Cre8tive...

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity. Your next creation could be something very great...Or at least very cool!

I promise to present my bubbly, positive self in the near future...


Sharon Tomlinson said...

I know you can leap over this hurdle. I know it.
But here is words of my wisdom.
Nothing ever stays the same.
Nothing ever happens before it is time.
Wishing you happiness.

Wyanne Thompson said...

Enjoyed seeing you today. Now go make some fixes everything. BTW - I was only 91% creative. Hang in there. XoxoxoX

KaiBlue said...

No matter where you go, you are always welcomed home with open arms and open smiles..

Blessings and Peace ..Welcome back.

PEace, Kai xx

Sherry said...

Rebecca, you can't always be up nor can you always be down and you need not promise anyone that you will be "better"...considering what you have had to deal with and how this has affected you, it's understandable that you needed a break. I don't think you were whining..this is a legitimate concern you have about something you feel passionate about. There's nothing worse than when our ideals and our morals clash with those who hold the power as it were.

For you I regret that it put a pall on your birthday and on your vacation to Myrtle Beach. That would sting me very much, as much as my ideals being crushed. I very much like Sharon's words of wisdom!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

You know, hobbies and projects can be so much fun... right up until politics enter the picture! Then it's not fun any more.

I'm sure when you started the magazine, it was a blast for you to do! Now you have to be patient as the tedious grinding of the magazine-board-politics-machine slowly moves along.

Meh. I don't blame you a bit for being vexed.

Anonymous said...

i was wondering were you've been?
what a burden. tough again yet another lesson in life, linked to a bunch of weird managers deciding wich way to go or to stay!!
how right they must be with their very convincing minds.
don't qorry too much about it rebecca. sure it's painful but leaf it behind and move into a next theatre on to the next stage.
free again!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca, sorry to hear of your trials with that board of directors! I'm really sorry you weren't able to spend your birthday as you wished! Whine/vent all you want. I don't think anyone expects you to be up and positive all the time :-) It will all work out in the end. Change is usually hard but also usually good!

Anyway, when you have a minute, come to my blog cause I have something for you.


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I found you through Manuela at The Feathered Nest. I use to work for a magazine in Naples Florida called Gulf Shore Life. I was an advertising rep....Please don't shoot me - lol. I totally understand your stress. I decided about 7 years ago to give up the media field and concentrate on my mosaic art. Hang in there!

Nunnie's Attic said...

Well first of all, welcome back! And secondly, your strong spirit which drives you to create such beautiful pieces of art will be the same driving force getting you through this.


e.beck.artist said...

i'm sorry you've had some rabbit hole days ..... the good thing is that you get to come out of that hole to a bright new day ..... hope it is soon .....

i was 92 percent creative ..... nearly as cre8tive as you .....

Darla said...

I'm 84% creative, wonder what that other 16% is doing when I'm not looking, LOL!

Sorry to hear of your troubles but glad you're back with us.


Tinker said...

I'm so sorry about all you've been through. I hope that this cloud has a silver lining for you - they truly often seem to do, though it can be so hard to spot them when we're in the middle of the storm. I hope things are looking brighter for you now~((hugs))~tinker

tlchang said...

It sounds like you have loved what you have done with the magazine this past decade, but if this is the new way of 'business', July sounds like too far away to me! Good luck finding peace in your search of a solution. Closed doors = open windows, and all that!

Giggles said...

Rebecca eventually the reasons behind this situation will become apparent. For now it's so painful and I hope you find solace in other creative endeavors. With your talent I'm sure another opportunity will present itself soon! As for blogs, we all need a break at times, to reflect and gather our faculties! All the best to you!

Peace Giggles