MSL day 6...Bella Luna is the Muse of the Divine timeline...
i attempt every day to trust my Divine doing so, i consciously choose to release my soul's purpose...and fly or soar or jump without a net into the unknown to me...which always has been known to God...
working feverishly on samples for my workshop in Philadelphia has been so energising for has been so long since i was able to get into the studio and play...i am working in myself and my Divine timeline...and i am pleased with the outcome...
the class is called...when you can climb the ladder no is designed to help decorative painters (faux finishers) put to use their hard-won painting/finishing skills when they can climb the ladder no more...decorative painting is hard on your body...years of lifting 5-pound buckets of paint, plaster and liquids...schlepping ladders and scaffolding up stairs...climbing up and down, 8 hours a day, several days a week...will ruin your knees...kink your back and neck...injure your wrists and feet...and wear your body out...
many of these people do beautiful work...understand color placement and theory...know the dynamics of space and line...and have spent thousands of dollars in training...
so what is a decorative painter to do when he/she can climb no more??? this is where my class comes in...i will attempt to show them how to use those skills and talent to create fine art...and, hopefully, enable them to continue to support themselves...
along with the workshop comes my new book...'come down from the ladder, we're making art down here' deals with the Divine timeline each of us faces as we grow older...and still need to earn a living...
i will encourage them to let go of think outside of the realize that there is always more than one solution...and more than one weave a future with creative energy, soulful consciousness, and clear intention...where they can manifest whatever they desire it to be... all images were created on sample boards created for my decorative painting business faux is me on images to see detail...
Today's aMUSEment - Find your Divine timeline. Spend some time during the next week with yourself...go within and listen to your body, your spirit, your heart...tune in to your soul's purpose...are you doing what you want, where you want, how you want, for as long as you want?U Be Creative Today!
Well, you know I am right w/you on this topic, Rebecca! I think this type of workshop and certainly, the book, are both needed in our industry and will fill a niche that is oft spoken, but there is not much info about. I want 5 more yrs in this industry, then I will be ready to move on to something new. As you know, I've been exploring many new directions and options. What's most important to me is to make a living where I will thrive financially as well as creatively in the next phase of my life. Gee, my life expectancy, barring any major illness, according to a recent test I took, is 94!, so I won't be retiring soon! I will try to link your post today to my blog, if I can figure it out! ;-) carol
This is so interesting...your workshops sound intriguing... I LOVE the name of your business...Faux is me....
Your boards are so rich and luminous.
Oh they can make floor cloths!
Hi Rebecca !!
Merci d'être venue me laisser un gentil message sur le blog ! ça me permet de connaitre à mon tour le tien et de te visiter...
Ton travail est très sympathique !!
I think this is a brilliant, much-needed topic to address. What wonderful wisdom you are sharing with the world!
The second image is so intriguing and inviting and interesting to look at.
I'm trusting in my Divine timeline now. It's easier to trust!
Oooooo! You have such a good vibe, i just love it. Youare wonderful at what youdo. I am so glad youare enjoying it! xxo
i love the relief painting rebecca!
i wish i could join you in your classes!
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