My Sacred Life day 5...
"In the Hundred Acre Wood and elsewhere, those who know how to write a proper letter are much respected and in great demand." -- Pooh's Little Etiquette Book
Okay...just like all the letters I owe people...Britt reminded me that I have sorely neglected my Muse drawings...and I've been a little carried away with my travel photos and my sacred life postings...and so the Muses return today...Sage is a Muse of great patience, profound wisdom and calm judgment. She remains calm in the midst of chaos. (The painting shows her calmly existing in the midst of all my chaotic energy.) We turn to her for her wise, judicious, or prudent advice. She is our mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for having wisdom that comes with age and experience.
I need a profoundly wise person today who can calm my scattered mind with her clear thinking and philosophical perspective. I am trying to get ready for my classes next week in Philadelphia. September kind of snuck up on me. The move in July. Getting the magazine done and unpacking followed. Prepping for my two classes in North Carolina consumed most of early August. The two weeks in NC completed August. Last week and this, I have been feverishly prepping for the Philly classes and battling the flu. So it is a little difficult for me to stay balanced right now, but I did get my corporate income taxes done today...
Sage advises me to do what I can and must, and let the rest go for a while. This is the first time I will be teaching one of the many things have to be samples made...teaching notes completed...and the flow of the class established...and any contingencies planned for...
Today's aMUSEment - Do you have a Sage in your life? Who do you turn to when you need calming reassurance or advice? Close your eyes and think about that person who is always there with sound judgement and wise words. Spend a moment in gratitude that they are in your life. Write a thanksgiving letter to them. Write, in your own hand and from your own heart, what they mean to you. Put it in the mail. Spend the day in gratitude.U Be Creative Today!
Ahh, like this muse. i turn to my beloved Michael who is perfect for me especially when i need to be calmed down. We term it as Zenification! Dont you love that term.
love this post...that word, to think of sage as the that!
Just do one thing, Rebecca. It's the one-step-at-a-time path out of overload and overwhelm.
Then, do the next thing. Focus solely on the task at hand.
And, your sage is so right on! Do what you must, and let the rest wait for later.
Welcome to My Sacred Life, which is how I found you. I'm looking forward to reading more, Rebecca.
Sage speaks to me in silence. Sometimes I just need to sit in a quiet, still place for a bit.
Oldfashioned, handwritten letters are a treasure aren't they? I think I'll write to someone today.
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