Sunday, June 7, 2009

long night's journey into day..

Let us pray with those who are anxious for the light at the end of the tunnel. "Only those who walk in the dark see the stars."  Mark E. Thibodeaux, God, I Have Issues

long night's journey into day...

this is a powerful Sabbath Song...those of you who follow me know that the past 18 months have been a time of much trial for me...every level of my life has been affected and i have been shoved way out of my comfort zone...

yesterday morning in a coaching session with my Jack Canfield coach Dave...everything was going along fine until he asked me, "Do you believe 100% that you can change the circumstances you find yourself in right now?" 

POW  WHAM   ZAP....a moment of perfect clarity...this is why i find myself struggling right now...i am only about 50-50%...and that, my friends, is exactly what is holding me back...

you know the saying by Napoleon Hill, "What ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve."

well idea generation has never been my problem...i have a BIG imagination and can brainstorm with ease...and i have a seemingly endless supply of clever ideas pouring from me...but the piece i am struggling with is the belief...and belief is what is holding me back from achievement... believing at 50% will get 50% results...DUH!!!!

belief in the idea and my ability to achieve the end result has somehow been damaged during this long dark night of the soul i have been in for 18 must be repaired...

i asked God during my morning meditation for help and guidance...when i looked up i saw the above image i titled "long night's journey into day..."

a few minutes later this image appeared...

i send rays of light to lead you out of the darkness into a new day rebecca

1 comment:

Annie Jeffries said...

Hello Rebecca. Your purpose and resolve is so clear. I have been enjoying your writing, though not commenting too much. This photo is like an answer from God that you are on entirely the right track. God Bless You, Annie