for those of us in the midst of realizing that our plans for ourselves may be different from those of our can be confusing, exciting, terrifying, enthralling...and more than a little off balance...
Today's Intention on my October 14, 2007 post was:
"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient path, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)
to the reflective mind, i am in the midst of a major spiritual transition where i am to grow my higher wisdom...i have created all the experiences in my learn specific lessons, hopefully gaining wisdom and understanding within the process...if learned, i integrate the lessons into my being...if not, i am bound to repeat them until i do...
i must admit that my perception of a perfect world may be skewed...i have been searching for a way of fitting or molding my future according to the conditions unfolding in my life...i did not choose them...i did not even see them coming...but they happened nonetheless....
a metamorphosis of mind, body and soul is underway...even as i commit this to visual form in writing, i am feeling the release...the more powerful woman emerging...with reverence and respect for myself, with individuality, and a comprehensive moral purpose....
miracles are all around us...whether we choose to believe or not...and we may question that statement especially when we find ourselves knee deep in the muck we have created for ourselves..
our destiny is controlled by the choices we make...pessimism and cynicism can seep into our being just as optimism and hope of my best life lessons was coming to fully understand that we can choose our attitude...and that one choice then influences our behaviors...which lead us toward the creation of a new future...
Don't forget to visit my other blog, The Artist as a Spiritual Explorer click here...
ps...GREAT NEWS!!!! after posting today...i received a job is a good one for this tiny island...and the answer to my prayers...i will be retouching photos in photoshop...for vacation portraits...wish me luck returning to the work force after 18 years working for myself...well, technically, i am still working for myself as it is a contract job...but i am excited that my prayers have been answered!!!