Sunday, February 3, 2008

My Plate is Overly Full...

my plate is so full you can't even see the plate anymore... "My plate is full" is an idiom used to say to someone else that i have all the work i can handle...i have no extra hours in the day for anything else...i am at my wits end trying to do everything...i have boxed myself into a corner with all these deadlines coming at once...
where has the week gone??? i have been busy with that four letter word called

w o r k

i have a lot to tell you...first, i have been working on the magazine...for those of you who read the mag, this issue is full of great articles and how to's...i am the editor of a 56-page, 4-color quarterly publication called "The Artistic Stenciler" is published by the non-profit educational organization called the Stencil Artisans League, Inc....SALI for short...i find the articles...write or rewrite most of them...choose the photos...and do the production as well...vanessa of fanciful twist and tracie huscamp and painter girl and helen morris and many others have appeared on the pages...and carolina girl jeanette will be in this could be are covers of some of the issues...

i have a new baby...yes the over-the-top computer station known as an iMac...with a screen like a television...i can work on it across the room...with my wireless keyboard and might mouse and even a remote order to do high-level graphic and web design...

2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4MB shared L2 cache at full processor speed
800MHz system bus, 2GB (one SO-DIMM) of PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 memory,
Two SO-DIMM slots support up to 4GB

i am also working on a new catalog for Callanwolde Fine Arts Center in Atlanta...

and i just finished a newsletter project for my new boss...yes, i have a new job with the young man i wrote about a few posts ago...

then i have an order for art for my newest gallery in west palm beach...

UPDATE>>>and i have had to deal with the consequences of my last post...after he was released from the hospital...with anti depressant and anti-anxiety meds...we have been climbing upward one baby step at a time...he was a little confused when he told me he was manic/depressive...he is not, but has major clinical depression...this illness does not swing like a drops like a 10,000 pound lead weight on the person who has well as the entire family...getting the weight off yourself and crawling out from under it is a lifetime job...for everyone involved...if you choose to stay...some relationships survive...some do not...

although the term "depression" is commonly used to describe a temporary depressed mood when one "feels blue", clinical depression is a serious illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts that cannot simply be willed or wished away. It is often a disabling disease that affects a person's work, family and school life, sleeping and eating habits, general health and ability to enjoy life. The course of clinical depression varies widely: depression can be a once in a life-time event or have multiple recurrences, it can appear either gradually or suddenly, and either last for few months or be a life-long disorder. Having depression is a major risk factor for suicide; in addition, people with depression suffer from higher mortality from other causes.
surprisingly, stress has been shown to play a major role in the patient's first two episodes of major depression, but not in later episodes. Genetics and temperament appear to play the most important role for later episodes of a patient's appears that major depression often requires stress to "get the ball rolling", but after a few episodes, the illness develops its own momentum and no longer needs stress to "keep rolling". This is a familiar pattern seen in many medical illnesses. Thus, the treatment of major depression must address the major contribution that stress, genetics and temperament play in this disorder. Unfortunately, most current therapies lack this well-rounded approach.
i am getting help to deal with this...and learning to set boundaries...and enforce them...i have always been a 'you do your thing and i'll do mine' kind of girl/woman/child...even though i am a strong and capable business person, i do not do well with interpersonal's that trust thing again...i have my heart in a box (i discovered this in a guided meditation a few years ago) and i do not keep the box with is far away where it can be safe and protected from being broken...i love unabashedly, but do not expect or demand love in return...and that is what i about manifesting...

it seems i am comfortable loving and caring for someone who is incapable of returning this to it beginning to make sense???

so i have missed visiting with you while i am holed up with my new computer...and trying to cope with my new life issues...i'll see daylight sometime next week...meanwhile, know that i love you all...

Don't forget to visit my other blog,The Artist as a Spiritual Explorer here...there is a lot of art and good stuff there...



qualcosa di bello said...

busy is also a four letter word!!!! what awesome projects you have in the works...

you remain in my prayers through this...your words tell me that you will move through this in a positive way. the art woven through is so very beautiful.

Vallen said...

I hope you love your mac as much as I do mine. It does sound as though you have a lot on your plate but many of those dishes look like comfort food to me. Enjoy.

Sharon Tomlinson said...

It is so nice to get an update from you. I think of you and your journey often. Staying busy is good.

Anonymous said...

God is with you as you walk through the valley! Looks like you do have a full plate! Take care of yourself!


K M F said...

nice i love that mac

Darla said...

Glad to see your post Rebecca. I'd love to see the magazines you write for.

Keep strong my friend.

Darla said...

Miss Rebecca,

You are up to a million things. Most of them magically wonderful, some a little difficult but on their way to rainbows!! You are lovely! And We cherish you and encourage you!! xo

e.beck.artist said...

my notion is that an overfull plate beats an empty one most of the time ..... peace to you ....

tlchang said...

Alas - I understand your deadline-all-at-once issues all too well...

Good luck with those, as well as your relationship... Lots on your plate indeed.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Rebecca, thanks for coming by! Sorry you are dealing with some heavy stuff right now & hope things get better for you soon. Sounds like you are one busy lady.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, your plate is indeed full although some of it is yummy stuff! Congrats on the new job - I want to hear all about it!


KaiBlue said...

Aloha Rebecca, thanks for stopping by sweetie. I sent 2 emails to you with my snail mail addie..maybe I'm doing it wrong. lol..
can you send me an email to
Kaibluecreations @ gmail dot com and let me know where to email you.. thankie!!!!
Peace, Kai xx

Linda O'Neill said...

My oh my you HAVE been a busy girl. So good to hear from you, Rebecca.

Sending you lots of energy and strength to deal with all you're going through. xo

Judy said...

And I thought i was busy!!! Your plate is certainly very full - keep up the great work.

J C said...

I offer you the strength of friendship. Such a lot you have to handle, most particularly the personal issue. God bless you.

As for your new Mac, now, you aren't just bragging a little, are you? Just a little? LOL kidding! I need to go find your magazine, it sounds interesting. I don't do a whole lot of stenciling, but I do murals, so I'd probably like to read it.

Leslie said...

Oh my Rebecca! You certainly do have your hands full. As someone said above -- most of them are exciting and positive, and if anyone can bend a situation into a positive, I am sure it is you.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Karen Cole said...

I hardly know what to say Rebecca. You are one busy lady in so many ways. It sounds though, that you are balancing the positive and the negative pretty well, even though I know it must be difficult.

You have so many people that care.

-xo Karen

Scarlet said...

I know where you get your name now, but do take care of yourself. ;)

Swirly said...

That is indeed a full plate, and I hope you are able to find some secret nests here and there where you can take a moment to breathe and do something wonderful for yourself. Sending you strength and stillness too!

Anonymous said...

hey dear friends, missed you!!
where have you been??
i can see you were busy, just visited your magazine site!! such an exciting endavour, an editor of an artistic media. great rebecca! wishing you succes in achieving your goals filled with art and making new discoveries!!
looking forward for what is yet to come from your hands!

Pam Aries said...

MY MY! You have been busy! ...All good stuff though . I a mglad you wrote about depression..because a lot of folks out there don;'t understand Clinical depression. good luc kwith everything! Peace and Love!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca!!!! It sounds as if you have had ALOT to do lately! Depression is such a hard thing to deal with. Those of us with family members or friends dealing with it and more should know. Seeing someone else suffering from a mental problem and not being able to help them just tears me apart inside. I'm so glad that you wrote about it. It is time people stop feeling ashamed of it and stand up to help. That shows courage and I am inspired by you. :) GREAT POST! I love you!!!

Barbara Jacksier said...

From the sound of it, your plate isn't just full, it's overflowing.
Focusing on the good side of your life ... I, too have an iMac ( I've always had Macs because in publishing you do not get a choice) but a slightly older version. Don't you just love it. I call mine Macksier (since my last name is Jacksier).

Hang in there

Nunnie's Attic said...

I have been busy myself and I'm just getting reacquainted with everyone having been without a computer for so long. I hope you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. And every time I pass by your painting I think of you and ask the Lord to bless you.


kari and kijsa said...

Oh wow- what wonderful projects! we always love to hear what you have been doing! And that new fabulous computer if fun..we just added one as well!
Sounds as though your plate emotionally is equally full, and that tops off everything!
Blessings to you today-
kari & kijsa

KaiBlue said...

Aloha Rebecca,
When you have depression. It's like teetertotting on the curb in front of a 6 lane highway.
I had to choose to step off and into traffic..or to step back and realize that ..well, one step either way and it changes your life.
PEace and love, Kai xx

Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...


Hi there! Long time no see right?? :) I see you have had your hands full how exciting to have a new Mac!

Thank you for posting on the personal level. As someone who suffers from a mental illness (it's still hard to say that because there is so much "stigma" attached to that term) it was helpful to hear the other side. I admire your honesty and courage.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog even when I was gone.


Naturegirl said...

I have been by several times and each time at a loss of words. I understand depression very well as I have expereinced it for years and have this survival instinct to climb out of the hole myself. I know the depression you speak of is far more serious..but I do know that he can't have a more caring ~guardian angel~ at his side supporting him.

You certainly do have your plate full..congratulations on getting the job with Mr. younster..LOL
I continue to hold you in my prayers and hope you can find the balance you so so deserve soon.
hugging you and you are always in my thoughts! hugs and L O V E ..NG

Mary Timme said...

I'm so pleased to find your other blog and so glad to hear it is major clinical depression as opposed to manic drepressive. I've had two clinical depressions and two depressions that are chemical in nature. It isn't easy to get over, but it can be done and life is so worth the living when you've climbed out.

I'm in such lust over your new iMac! I know I'm going to have to get over it, but it also brings me great joy to know you have it! Yippee and yea!

Carolyn said...

Just checking in on you dearest Rebecca , thinking of you ..
