The Myrtle Beach Pavilion was the place to go for a child of the 50s and 60s...I had my first roller coaster ride on the Hurricane...I rode the Carousel by seriously scouting the right animal to sit upon...I danced for hours in the Attic to music by the Catalinas, The Tams, The Embers, The Drifters, The Platters...It was second only to the ocean in excitement...
The Pavilion was torn down this year in the name of the name of seems the ocean front, mid city property is too valuable to remain an entertainment is destined to become high-rise cement boxes...and it's owners destined to earn more millions to add to their existing millions...This is the Pavilion of the 1960s...when my memories are so vivid...Here are some videos to remember the Myrtle Beach don't need to watch them all...the first one and the last one tell the story the best...I just needed to have that reminder for my sisters and my children...
more memories...
and so it photo to see farewell season billboard...
Today's aMUSEment - was there an amusement park you loved as a child...get out your paints and try to capture the essence of the place...use the colors that come to mind...aim for abstract here...a representation of your emotions...U Be Creative Today
There were no amusement parks where I grew up. However, when I was 7 my GGM took me to L.A. to visit an aunt and uncle. I still remember my uncle taking me to the amusement park in Long Beach. I don't remember the rides but I can clearly picture the new white sandals I was wearing.
Thanks for prompting the memories.
Same thing happened to my husbands memories of Asbury Park.
It is nice to know you have Memories in Myrtle Beach. I have not been, but was included in an art show there at a Museum, a few years ago. I was curious about it. So thanks for talking about it.
Oh you are showing the park where I got soaked to my underwear like 4 years ago! I luckily had some in the car and had to go change! Hope nobody saw me :(
We had dear old Opryland in Nashville and miss it so badly I could HURT somebody!! They tore down a very pretty and clean park to build a supermall called Opry Mills. I can't imagine that it draws more$ than the park did.
such lovely memories, the sands of your childhood and all the images of times gone by. you were so lucky rebecca, living at the ocean enjoying the fun of summer beach!
Ih, sigh.. Too wonderful. I grew up in the wrong era for sure... My heart is in the past.... xoxoxo
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