Friday, December 28, 2007

What Did You Do on Your Christmas Vacation???

this is what I have been doing since Christmas eve...what happened on your Christmas vacation???

I have been blessed with such wonderful gifts this week...

first this beautiful package arrived from illustrator extraordinaire Tara of silver apples of the moon & tlcillustration...

i opened the gifts with glee in the garage (I could not wait until I went inside)...Christmas stickers...a hand-painted ornament...a pocket sketchbook and pencil like tara carries (will I be able to draw like tara now?!?)... a beautiful card...and lovely chocolate bar...thank you my sweet friend...

then on Christmas eve, I received this as winner of a giveaway from decorating maven Donna of The Decorated is so lusciously has become one of my treasured decorations...thank you...

and a little later that day I received the gift of slowing down...

Not one to be upstaged by Nature I was in the garage cleaning (doesn't everyone clean the garage on Christmas eve?)...and leaned these very heavy oak table legs against a shelving unit...
for reasons unbeknownst to me, they hurled themselves over with great speed and vengeance...being the ever-agile ballerina, I tried to leap gracefully backwards...and, not being as fast as I used to be...all of me did not manage to get out of the way... i know they look like matchsticks me they weight about 30 pounds each...
the events from this point on are a little fuzzy...but, at least two of them, fell on my right foot...after minutes of yelping, crying, spewing forth some very unladylike words for this southern belle, and neighbors running to my rescue...i became nauseated/dizzy/woozy...

the break came from these bolts...
sticking out of the top which made perfect contact with just the right bone under my big toe...feel that big knot under your big toe...that's what I broke...this is the result...sausage toes...
after a percocet, ice bags, my favorite tea, and the entire chocolate bar from tara... I managed to get through the night and Christmas day...whining occasionally...okay frequently...

you can read about the fracture here...

"oh mom, I can't look..."
"let me kiss it and make it better..."
and this is what I am doing most of the waking hours...i am also sketching a lot...i am still taking pain meds cause the darn thing hurts a i am sleeping a lot too...i will be back with a big announcement on January 1, 2008...
Today is the Feast of The Holy Innocents...The children mentioned in Matthew 2:16-18:

Another innocent is gone today...Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007) two years my junior...the world is missing a valuable soul today...tara bradford has a memorial post today...

Rubens' Massacre of the Innocents

"When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Read more about it here and here...

one last shot of sir chancelot among the Christmas greenery and pansies...

xray photo


Anonymous said...

OUCH! Your foot looks like it hurts!!!! I do hope that you get better soon.I'm glad that you were blessed with great gifts this Christmas! :) Wonderful post!


great week-end

Anonymous said...

ow dear rebecca, so sorry about your adventure in the garage!!
hoping you'll soon recover and who knows, it might have been inspiring and forcing you to sit down thinking of a next art project??!!
a anouncement in 2008?? curious about it.
your lovely shining angel finaly arrived! thank you so very much my dear friend, i love it!!
serene and calming expression!
it will always make me think about you, every day again!

Karen Cole said...

What a way to spend Xmas eve!!! I broke my shoulder on my birthday!....I've had a broken toe as well but all I had to do was tape two toes together. could be worse.

You have a lovely dog to share it with. So much love.

May the new year bring you great joy and peace, Rebecca.

Anonymous said...

Yikes Rebecca! That looks very painful. :-( Rest up. I will anxiously await your Jan 1st news... Happy New Years, my friend. Carol

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Oh dear, I can feel your pain with the foot! I walked out the back door 2 years ago and the step disappeared, leaving me to twist my foot badly. I heard the crack and the pain was immense. I too, have a boot to this day...thank God I don't have to wear it anymore though! Sending prayers your way for a speedy relief of pain and fast healing.


DJ said...

OHHHHH OUCH!! You poor poor dear! I read your post on my blog, so came over to see what you have been up to and I can't believe how you had to spend Christmas. Hugs and prayers to you for a speedy recovery. Big hugs to that adorable pooch of yours too!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Yikes Rebecca!!!! That really looks sore! I am so sorry you got hurt. Here's to a fast recovery and a great 2008~

Kate I said...

Oh, that looks so sore! I hope it heals quickly but while you're 'down' take the time to's not often we can take time off without feeling guilty! Your wee doggie will be great company and speed up the healing process. (he's so, so sweet!)

Sharon Tomlinson said...

Oh my word! I finally made it over, I had no idea that you were not OK. Well gee this doesn't look good. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. Sleep well. If I could, I'd bring you some more chocolate and tea.

Cakespy said...

You agile ballerina! I feel your pain, but enjoyed the post! :-)

rochambeau said...

Dear Rebecca!
So,So sorry that you fractured your toe!!! But so grateful you have such a handsome nurse to help you heal!
Once I hurt my pinky toe and couldn't walk for two weeks, so my heart goes out to you.
Thank you Rebecca for sending me an angle surprise. I havn't seen it yet because I am still at my moms. You are a sugar plum!!
Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year friend!

FANCY said...

OH...your toe...It really most hurt...I can feel how much it's ...No words for that...But, you have good company in your dog... ;-)

NeereAnDear said...

Rebecca bless your heart... my goodness ... I hope you get better real soon.... I must say I can identify with you... I have been living with the bones under my left toe completely crushed due to an accident I had...but I need an operation for mine... I have been compensating by walking on the left side of my foot and this has in fact made it worse... this is a long story as we are in the process of getting it taken care of hopefully....
I FEEL your PAIN!!

PS my foot and toes are pretty darn ugly which is why no one has seen mine yet..

Get better soon...



Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca, I am so sorry to read about your accident. Get well soon.

I got a similar package from tara :-)

flyinamber said...

I hope your foot is doesn't hurt so much now..but sir chancelot is certainly a good company!he looks so cute!
I wish you more happiness in 2008!
Happy New Year,Rebecca!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

OH NO! What a painful injury! So sorry to hear that! Hope you will feel much better soon,
Happy New Year! Looking forward to much more inspiration from you in the coming months!

Leslie said...

Oh dear Rebecca! That looks like it hurts! Yikes. I got twinges of sympathy pain just seeing the pictures.

Hope you are on your feet again soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca, oh no! How awful, just popping by to wish you a Happy New Year and so sorry to read of your mishap! Thank goonesss for laptop computer!! Wishing you a speedy recovery Rebecca! Jenn and Jacqui

Darla said...

Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are on the road to a quick recovery.

I haven't been online much lately but I'll be sure to check on your New Years News. You always have great ideas so this is something to look forward to.


NeereAnDear said...



Pam Aries said...

OH MY GOSH! I can't believe it! Girl...I hope you are doing much better! Bless your heART! . At least you have some sweets (yum PEAR chocolat!) and a sweet doggie by your side! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Oh, so sorry to read of your accident. Sounds awful! Good that you have your trusty pup and a laptop to keep you occupied while recovering. :-)
Wishing you blessings and a wonderful 2008!


P.S. Love the paintings you posted and the pic of Sir Chancelot in the shopping cart.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

You and Nature Girl! I'm staying out of this competition LOL! Your foot looks so hurty :-( Ouch! Hope you are up and about soon!

I hope you have a healthy & bountiful New Year!


Ro Bruhn said...

So sorry to read of your pain over Christmas, I hope you're on the mend soon. Take advantage of the rest and enjoy your recuperation time doing some more lovely art.
Take care

Zorana said...

Oh dear Rebecca! I'm so sorry that this happened to you. What a colorful foot you have! I hope that every day it hurts less and less... Sir Chancelot is adorable! I'm sending you good energy and wishing you a great 2008!

Carolyn said...

OOwweeh ! and ouch !
I hope it is getting better Rebecca , and that you`re not in as much pain . I hope you will savour the forced rest time , and see it as something good !

Happy New Year blessings to you my dear , i feel lucky to have met you this year .


Sherry said...

Rebecca, that must have been extremely painful!!! It looks so sore but Sir Chancelot has healing powers!!!
I'm glad you had an enjoyable Christmas aside from the accident...I wish you a very healthy, happy new year filled with love and inspiration.

somepinkflowers said...

sorry your foot
is so black & blue!
here are ~~somepinkflowers~~
especially for you.

thank God you are lucky!
for as everyone knows,
only the *truly blessed*
have a dog to lick their hurting toes.


may 2008
be a year full of healthy feet
and no fractures...

Sandra Evertson said...

Feel better soon!
Happy New Year!
Sandra Evertson

Jo Anne O. said...

Oh my, you poor dear! I feel so bad for you...I have broken my little toe is hard to imagine how painful it is unless you have done it! Speedy recovery to you Rebecca!

Tinker said...

Oh! Ouch! What a way to spend Christmas - hope you're feeling better by now. Wishing you quick healing, dear Rebecca - glad you have Sir Chancelot as your personal healer, there. Here's hoping this New Year will be a healthy and happy one for you!!~xOx

e.beck.artist said...

oh heavens! your poor little toes! ..... so sorry you've been injured ... here's to fast healing for you ... e

tlchang said...

I'm so sorry Rebecca! Chocolate and percocet sound like a great combination though. :-) I hope you are healing up well and taking good care of yourself.

Neva said...

All I can say is I feel your pain and ....having just broken my little finger in 2 places, 5 weeks later it is STILL killing me! Good luck! and Happy New Year!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Oh shoot!!! What a shame! But thankful for that sweet dog!!! What company and cheer he must be :)
Prayers for a quick healing Rebecca! said...

Oh My gooodnessss!! You pooooor dear heart! The pain must have been horrendous!!!!! HUgs hugs hugs!!!

Naturegirl said...

Rebecca I am so sorry that I am just finding out about this horrible accident!! OH my what next!! I pray for a speedy recovery and I send you an angel of comfort!!flutter flutter!
hugs and shocked NG shaking my head!