this is what I have been doing since Christmas eve...what happened on your Christmas vacation???
I have been blessed with such wonderful gifts this week...
first this beautiful package arrived from illustrator extraordinaire Tara of silver apples of the moon & tlcillustration...
i opened the gifts with glee in the garage (I could not wait until I went inside)...Christmas stickers...a hand-painted ornament...a pocket sketchbook and pencil like tara carries (will I be able to draw like tara now?!?)... a beautiful card...and lovely chocolate bar...thank you my sweet friend...
then on Christmas eve, I received this as winner of a giveaway from decorating maven Donna of The Decorated is so lusciously has become one of my treasured decorations...thank you...
and a little later that day I received the gift of slowing down...
Not one to be upstaged by Nature I was in the garage cleaning (doesn't everyone clean the garage on Christmas eve?)...and leaned these very heavy oak table legs against a shelving unit...
for reasons unbeknownst to me, they hurled themselves over with great speed and vengeance...being the ever-agile ballerina, I tried to leap gracefully backwards...and, not being as fast as I used to be...all of me did not manage to get out of the way... i know they look like matchsticks me they weight about 30 pounds each...
the events from this point on are a little fuzzy...but, at least two of them, fell on my right foot...after minutes of yelping, crying, spewing forth some very unladylike words for this southern belle, and neighbors running to my rescue...i became nauseated/dizzy/woozy...
the break came from these bolts...
sticking out of the top which made perfect contact with just the right bone under my big toe...feel that big knot under your big toe...that's what I broke...this is the result...sausage toes...
after a percocet, ice bags, my favorite tea, and the entire chocolate bar from tara... I managed to get through the night and Christmas day...whining occasionally...okay frequently...
you can read about the fracture here...
"oh mom, I can't look..."
"let me kiss it and make it better..."
and this is what I am doing most of the waking hours...i am also sketching a lot...i am still taking pain meds cause the darn thing hurts a i am sleeping a lot too...i will be back with a big announcement on January 1, 2008...
Today is the Feast of The Holy Innocents...The children mentioned in Matthew 2:16-18:
Another innocent is gone today...Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007) two years my junior...the world is missing a valuable soul today...tara bradford has a memorial post today...
"When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."Read more about it here and here...
one last shot of sir chancelot among the Christmas greenery and pansies...